Rebecca, Lucy and Theresa. Colour Pallets and working in the Dye Lab.

3 Sister's Colour Pallet.jpgThe colour pallet I chose looks like the image to the left. The top horizontal row is for Cordelia, the middle horizontal row is for Regan and the bottom horizontal row is for Goneril. The first vertical row is the primary colour for the overalls, the middle and end vertical rows are options for secondary colour. This still gives the makers room for decisions. Fiona approved this colour pallet so now we must move on to the dye lab to try and achieve these colours.

The Dye Lab

Unfortunately, the dye lab ended up being an unncecssarily stressful experience. However, we definitely learnt a lot about colour and mixing in terms of dye and I’m sure my interpersonal skills have been improved dramatically.


Despite being quite happy with the colours I got on the day, I did not realise the samples were not as dry as they should have been. This meant that the resulting colours were either brighter or paler than I wanted. To amend this, I did another session with Rebecca C, this time we dried the samples with a hairdryer immediately after rinsing them. This allowed us a more accurate view of what the colours were.


In terms of peer relations, the day didn’t go as planned. There were issues with a student in the group who did not appreciate my presence or help in the dye lab. Any instance of me trying to help or organise was met with aggression. This made my job very difficult and stressful, eventually, resulting in me having to get a lecturer involved. The student then refused to do any more to help and left early; leaving a job that could have easily done by 4 people to be done by 2. However, doing the best with the situation we were given, Rebecca and I worked out an efficient method of getting the job done as quickly as possible. So despite not getting the job done, we managed to end the day on a positive note.

Confirming Samples with Fiona

After finishing the samples, we brought them to Fiona and she chose her preferred combinations (Top: Cordelia, middle: Regan and bottom: Goneril)



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